Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus - Boredom

I scanned through the internet to ascertain whether there were any helplines or experts who could guide me as to how one can mitigate boredom. Not that I myself have any personal problem with this malaise. I have been fortunate enough to ward off boredom and its sibling sleeplessness most of the time. What baffles me is the frequent coverage and confession of boredom in the media including Sunday supplements of newspapers. Boredom is rife in all walks of life, except in religion and voluntary adherence of rites it entails. A built-in component of confession, expiation, and hope infuses the prayers with a sincerity of interest that does not always inhere in social and personal transactions. An orison for boons of health and wealth presupposes utmost authenticity. I have often found myself stifling a yawn or two against the unctuous patter of formal introductions. Come to think of it, are the perpetrators of such patter the...